Category: Web Marketing
How to Write Content for a Website
How to write content for a website and have it show up in the search engines.
My subdomain (Weebly) website has been verified by Google and I put in meta keywords, so why is it still not showing up in site: (site’s name)?
Site: is a Google Search Operator that is used to see if Google indexed your website. It returns the pages for that website only. Using shared economic web hosting without your own domain is a big no-no if you want to rank. It also shows a lack of professionalism as well. I used another Google…
How can one use web analytics to measure traffic from links when one does not control the destination website?
What you are asking is ‘Referrals’ to your website. Traffic analytics software will show you referrals. From there look at the referrals that are from other websites and there you will find your answer. Any analytics program can help you with that. Your web hosting provider should give you access to monitor traffic to your website,…
What are the best ways to make a website seem bigger and more active or established?
To make your website ‘bigger’ and ‘more active’ tells me right away to start writing articles or blog posts for your website. By providing content you gain a sense of ‘authority’ that Google considers in its ranking algorithm. It also gives your website a sense of authority to make it look ‘bigger’. Adding a FAQ…
Search Engin Optimization (Where’s the E!?!)
This is just a test to see how easy it is to rank for ‘search engin optimization’ You see sometimes when keyword research is done you will find a misspelling that is searched for quite a bit that you can bid on in Google AdWords. It just so happens that this keyword phrase says the…
How to see how a particular page ranks in SEMRush
SEMRush Landing Pages Report For those of you used to another SaaS (software as a service) here is how you find how a particular page ranks in SEMRush. At first, you may think it is the report found by going to SEMRush Dashboard > Position Tracking > Pages. But this is not the case. The…
How do you find core keywords for effective online marketing?
Michael Rock, Owner at The Internet Presence, LLC (2003-present) Answered Apr 10 It would to too lengthy to do into the details here. I wrote an in-depth three-part article here for that. Keyword Research in SEO: Part 1 · Answer requested by Jeet Rathi
How do you boost online sales without gaining more traffic?
Michael Rock, Owner at The Internet Presence, LLC (2003-present) You could utilize Amazon’s little invention that is a plugin in almost any shopping cart. Show ‘people who have bought this have also bought…’ products. You could also sell higher-priced quality products or sell niche industry products. Another thing you could do is show related products. If…
How can I increase traffic to my website without paying anything?
Michael Rock, Owner at The Internet Presence, LLC (2003-present) Answered July 18, 2019 Promote it on social media. Add your website to your business cards, invoices, newsletters, etc. Answer questions on places like this. Give free seminars to educate the general population and ask them to visit your website for more detailed information. Provide detailed information on…
What is the best way to get some traffic initially to a website?
Michael Rock, Owner at The Internet Presence, LLC (2003-present) Answered August 16, 2019 It really depends upon what type of website you have in order to tell you which way would be the most effective for your particular type of website and business. But, I start out all of my marketing clients by doing these four things.…