SEMRush Landing Pages Report
For those of you used to another SaaS (software as a service) here is how you find how a particular page ranks in SEMRush. At first, you may think it is the report found by going to SEMRush Dashboard > Position Tracking > Pages. But this is not the case. The report on this page shows you what SEMRush finds that ranks on each page of your website.

The URL column displays the web address for each landing page listed in the report. But there’s really more to it – clicking on a URL will show you every keyword this particular page ranks for. You can also view the page itself by clicking on the arrow icon.
Next is the Keyword Count column. Here you can see the total number of keywords a particular landing page is ranking for.
The Average Position column shows the average position number for all keywords the page ranks for. Clicking on a particular URL will let you see the precise position of each keyword.
Finally, in the Total Volume column, you can view the sum of search volume for all keywords.
This report is VERY useful when cross-referenced with data from Google Search Console and Google Analytics. It gives you great ideas on what to rank for each individual page.
SEMRush The Other Report: Domain Analytics Overview
The report you may be looking for can be found at Domain Analytics > Overview. This tool can be used for more than just the TLD (top-level domain). If you type the page of a website there it will return all of the keyword phrases that particular page ranks for along with a slew of other information such as page authority, traffic, pay-per-click ads, backlinks, traffic trends (with notes), competitors, etc.
So if the Landing Pages Report does not show a page that you want to see what you rank on you can use this report instead. Enter the data here along with your Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and Landing Page Report to cross-reference the information.
Once you enter the URL, keyword ranked on that URL, how hard it is to rank for each phrase, how much traffic you would get from each phrase from every source you can quickly look at the data and determine which keyword phrase to go for.
Unfortunately, you cannot enter a specific keyword phrase and a specific web page to find out how you rank, but you can go to where they use the API for SEMRush and do exactly that.
Here is an image of the cross-referenced data to give you an idea of what keyword phrase to try for at a glance.

If you are interested in trying SEMRush’s tools for a free trial follow this link.
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