Finding questions that people ask a lot for can be helpful for ranking and generating traffic to your website. It is also a good resource for your Google AdWords campaign.
- Wordtracker has a question specific tool that you can read about at
- Check your keyword phrases located in your Google Analytics account. You can find questions people typed into the search engines and came across your website there. Here is a link where you can hook up a custom report to do this for you.
- You can also consult Google Webmaster Tools at Google Webmaster Tools > Your site on the web > Search queries report.
- Keyword Discovery has a tool for this as well.
- When you do a search on Google let the autocomplete do the job for you. Just type your search (query) beginning with who, what, where, when, or how.
- You can visit Q&A sites to get ideas also, but you won’t know how much traffic you get until you run it through a tool. Here are some Q&A sites listed below.
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