Category: SEO News
The Biggest Mistake Digital Marketers Ever Made: Claiming to Measure Everything
Posted by willcritchlowDigital marketing is measurable. It’s probably the single most common claim everyone hears about digital, and I can’t count the number of times I’ve seen conference speakers talk about it (heck, I’ve even done it myself). I mean, look at those offline dinosaurs, the argument goes. They all know that half their spend…
Using the Cross Domain Rel=Canonical to Maximize the SEO Value of Cross-Posted Content – Whiteboard Friday
Posted by randfishSame content, different domains? There’s a tag for that. Using rel=canonical to tell Google that similar or identical content exists on multiple domains has a number of clever applications. You can cross-post content across several do…
Reading Between the Lines: A 3-Step Guide to Reviewing Web Page Content
Posted by Jackie.FrancisIn SEO, reviewing content is an unavoidable yet extremely important task. As the driving factor that brings people to a page, best practice dictates that we do what we can to ensure that the work we’ve invested hours and resourc…
The 2018 Local SEO Forecast: 9 Predictions According to Mozzers
Posted by MiriamEllisIt’s February, and we’ve all dipped our toes into the shallow end of the 2018 pool. Today, let’s dive into the deeper waters of the year ahead, with local search marketing predictions from Moz’s Local SEO Subject Matter Expert, our…
New Research: 35% of Competitive Local Keywords Have Local Pack Ads
Posted by Dr-PeteOver the past year, you may have spotted a new kind of Google ad on a local search. It looks something like this one (on a search for “oil change” from my Pixel phone in the Chicago suburbs): These ads seem to appear primarily on mobi…
Diagnosing Why a Site’s Set of Pages May Be Ranking Poorly – Whiteboard Friday
Posted by randfishYour rankings have dropped and you don’t know why. Maybe your traffic dropped as well, or maybe just a section of your site has lost rankings. It’s an important and often complex mystery to solve, and there are a number of boxes to ch…
Rewriting the Beginner’s Guide to SEO, Chapter 1: SEO 101
Posted by BritneyMullerBack in mid-November, we kicked off a campaign to rewrite our biggest piece of content: the Beginner’s Guide to SEO. You offered up a huge amount of helpful advice and insight with regards to our outline, and today we’re here to …
A Look Back at a Great 2017: 5 Major Moz Product Investments and a Sneak Peek Into 2018
Posted by adamfIt’s hard to believe that 2017 is already past. We entered the year with big ambitions and we’ve made some great strides. As has become tradition, I’ve compiled a rundown of some of the most interesting updates that you may have seen (or…
How to Face 3 Fundamental Challenges Standing Between SEOs and Clients/Bosses
Posted by sergeystefogloEvery other year, the good people at Moz conduct a survey with one goal in mind: understand what we (SEOs) want to read more of. If you haven’t seen the results from 2017, you can view them here.The results contain many great qu…
What Does It Mean to "Write for SEO" in 2018? – Whiteboard Friday
Posted by randfish”Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat its mistakes” — it’s a quote that’s actually quite applicable when it comes to writing for SEO. Much of the advice given to copywriters, journalists, editors, and other content…